Master of Education (MEd)
For Students Who Enrolled Prior to October 26, 2021.
Course Code | Course Name | Author | Book Title | Publisher | ISBN | List Price |
EDU512 | Social & Philosophical Foundations of Education | Ozmon | Philosophical Foundations of Education, 9th Edition | Pearson | 9780132540742 | $113.32 |
EDU504 | Psychological Foundations of Education | Eggen & Kauchak | Using Educational Psychology in Teaching, 11th Edition | Pearson | 9780135240540 | $93.32 |
EDU521 | Teaching & Learning | Burden & Byrd | Methods for Effective Teaching: Meeting the Needs of All Students, 8th Edition | Pearson | 9780134691800 | $99.99 |
EDU522 | Assessment & Evaluation | Nitko & Brookhart | Education Assessments of Students, 7th Edition | Pearson | 9780133436495 | $98.00 |
EDU513 | Leadership | Smith & Piele | School Leadership: Handbook for Excellence in Student Learning, 4th Edition | Corwin | 9781412936545 | $46.95 |
EDU520 | Diversity | Cushner, McClelland & Safford | Human Diversity in Education: An Intercultural Approach, 8th Edition | McGraw-Hill | 9780078110337 | $172.00 |
EDU528 | Curriculum Design & Instructional Practices | Glatthorn, Boschee & Whitehead | Curriculum Leadership: Strategies for Development and Implementation, 4th Edition | Sage | 9781483347387 | $131.00 |
EDU529 | Early Childhood Education | Gordon & Browne | Beginnings and Beyond: Foundations in Early Childhood Education, 10th Edition | Cengage | 9781305500969 | $261.95 |
EDU507 | Educational Finance | Brimley, Verstegen & Knoeppel | Financing Education in a Climate of Change, 13th Edition | Pearson | 9780135180068 | $139.99 |
EDU525 | Educational Technology | Smaldino, Lowther & Russell | Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 11th Edition | Pearson | 9780133831658 | $93.32 |
EDU523 | Introduction to Educational Administration | Gordon & Alston | School Leadership and Administration: Important Concepts, Case Studies & Simulations, 10th Edition | McGraw-Hill | 9780078110351 | $287.00 |
EDU530 | Research | Mills | Action Research: A Guide for the Teacher Researcher, 5th Edition | Prentice Hall | 9780133389210 | $42.00 |
EDU526 | Teaching Reading | Vacca & Vacca, et al | Reading and Learning to Read, 9th Edition | Pearson | 9780133569636 | $127.00 |
EDU630 | Montessori Philosophy | Lillard | Montessori: The Science Behind the Genius, 3rd Edition | Oxford University Press | 9780199981526 | $23.95 |
EDU630 | Montessori Philosophy | Montessori | From Childhood to Adolescence | Clio Press | 1851091858 | $14.95 |
EDU630 | Montessori Philosophy | Montessori | Formation of Man | Clio Press | 1851090975 | $14.95 |
EDU630 | Montessori Philosophy | Montessori | To Educate the Human Potential | Clio Press | 1851090940 | $14.95 |
EDU630 | Montessori Philosophy | Montessori | The Absorbent Mind | Wilder Publications | 9781604595406 | $8.99 |
EDU630 | Montessori Philosophy | Montessori | The Discovery of the Child | Random House | 0345336569 | $7.99 |
EDU630 | Montessori Philosophy | Montessori | The Secret of Childhood | Random House | 0345305833 | $7.99 |
EDU630 | Montessori Philosophy | Montessori | Education for a New World | Clio Press | 1851090959 | $14.95 |
EDU630 | Montessori Philosophy | Montessori | The Advanced Montessori Method: Volume 1 (also titled Spontaneous Activity in Education) | Clio Press | 8151091149 | - |
EDU630 | Montessori Philosophy | Montessori | The Montessori Method | Schocken | 0805209220 | $7.99 |
EDU632 | Montessori Classroom Leadership | Goertz | Children Who are Not Yet Peaceful: Preventing Exclusion in the Early Elementary Classroom | Frog Books | 9781583940327 | $15.95 |
EDU640 | Application of Montessori Philosophy at the Early Childhood Level | Montessori | The Montessori Method | Schocken | 9780805209228 | $17.95 |
EDU640 | Application of Montessori Philosophy at the Early Childhood Level | Montessori | The Discovery of the Child | Random House | 0345336569 | $7.99 |
EDU640 | Application of Montessori Philosophy at the Early Childhood Level | Montessori | The Secret of Childhood | Random House | 0345305833 | $7.99 |
EDU640 | Application of Montessori Philosophy at the Early Childhood Level | Montessori | The Advanced Montessori Method: Volume I (also titled Spontaneous Activity in Education) | Clio Press | 8151091149 | - |
EDU640 | Application of Montessori Philosophy at the Early Childhood Level | Montessori | The Absorbent Mind | Wilder Publications | 9781604595406 | $8.99 |
EDU640 | Application of Montessori Philosophy at the Early Childhood Level | Montessori | Dr Montessori's Own Handbook | Wilder Publications | 9781604595543 | $18.00 |
EDU645 | Application of Montessori Philosophy at the Elementary Level | Duffy & Duffy | Children of the Universe: Cosmic Education in the Montessori Classroom | Parent Child Press | 9780939195312 | $32.75 |
EDU645 | Application of Montessori Philosophy at the Elementary Level | Montessori | Formation of Man | Clio Press | 1851090975 | $14.95 |
EDU645 | Application of Montessori Philosophy at the Elementary Level | Montessori | To Educate the Human Potential | Clio Press | 1851090940 | $14.95 |
EDU645 | Application of Montessori Philosophy at the Elementary Level | Montessori | The Advanced Montessori Method: Volume I/Spontaneous Activity in Education | Clio Press | 8151091149 | - |
EDU645 | Application of Montessori Philosophy at the Elementary Level | Montessori | The Advanced Montessori Method: Volume II/Montessori Elementary Material | Montessori-Pierson Publishing | 9789079506019 | $36.55 |
EDU645 | Application of Montessori Philosophy at the Elementary Level | Montessori | From Childhood to Adolescence | Clio Press | 1851091858 | $14.95 |