Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Deming School of Business

Step Up Your Career with Our MBA Program

The Master of Business Administration (MBA) program is offered as a distance education graduate degree, employing Directed Study and Independent Study formats and can be completed in as little as one year.

Students are able to choose between a General MBA or our Health Care Administration concentration.

The MBA is of particular interest to individuals interested in acquiring the skills and educational qualifications needed to succeed in almost any business environment. The program benefits those in executive and managerial positions as well as individuals providing consulting services to enterprises of varying size and structure.

The MBA degree program is presented through distance education using online technology requiring no classroom or seminar attendance. The program is offered in both the Independent Study and Directed Study modalities.

Learning Modalities | Curriculum & Concentrations | Program Outcomes | Admissions Process

Upcoming Start Dates:
Independent Study: May 6th | July 1st
Directed Study: May 6th | September 2nd

Tuition: $315/credit

Credits Required: 30

Total Program Tuition: $9,450

Learning Modalities:
Independent Study & Directed Study

Admissions Requirements:
Bachelor’s Degree

Program Catalog | FAQs

Did you enroll in one of our MBA programs before the October 26, 2021 start date? You can find your program catalogs and other relevant information here.

Choose the Learning Modality that Works for You.

Independent Study

Our Independent Study modality gives you the flexibility to fit your program around your career and lifestyle.

Students have 8 weeks to complete each course, working independently with the support of a faculty mentor. The time to degree completion may be accelerated or extended, within the guidelines of the University.

Each course in the program contains a series of lesson assignments, generally consisting of reading assignments supplemented occasionally by various multimedia. Students are evaluated through examinations and/or research assignments, which are submitted for faculty evaluation.

Pay tuition in installments completely interest-free — each semester, just make a 30% down payment upfront, followed by 3 monthly payments.

Start on any of six start dates throughout the year.

Directed Study

Our Directed Study modality offers a more structured and collaborative online learning experience.

Students will move through the program with a cohort of other students, typically completing one course at a time and two courses, or six credits, per semester. Each 8-week course in this program contains a series of readings, lesson assignments, and regular online asynchronous discussions.

Directed Study students may apply for federal financial aid to cover the cost of their education.

Start on any of three start dates throughout the year.


A total of 30 credits are required for graduation from the University with an MBA. A student may transfer in a maximum of 15 credits. Students entering into an MBA program with the University may choose between a General curriculum or choose our concentration in Health Care Administration. Complete information about fees associated with our programs can be found on the Tuition & Fees page.

More information about program options and all courses available in both the General MBA and MBA in Health Care Administration programs are available to view below.

General MBA

Our general MBA program offers comprehensive knowledge to help develop business leadership skills. Whether you work for a large corporation or run your own small business, our MBA helps give the confidence you need to succeed.

Health Care Administration Concentration

Our Health Care Administration concentration is built for professionals working in the health care industry who may have non-business degrees but desire to move up into management roles or run their own practice and want to boost their business-related knowledge and skills.

+ General MBA Courses

BUS515 – Human Resource Management Framework (3 credits)

This course is a concise yet thorough review of essential HR management concepts and strategies focusing on providing students and practicing managers with essential HR management concepts including fundamental practices, methods, topics, and relevant legal findings. The core design is to make the information relevant to managers both within the field of Human Resources and also managers from other fields that need to be familiar with the human resources framework. Each part of the course focuses on how managers strategically use HR practices and technology in today’s business environment, striking a balance between theory and real-world application.

MKT501 – Marketing Management (3 credits)

This course focuses on formulating and implementing marketing management strategies and policies. The marketing management process is important at all levels of the organizations, regardless of the title applied to the activity. Typically, it is called corporate marketing, strategic marketing, or marketing management. For our purposes, they all involve essentially the same process, even though the actors and activities may differ. The course will provide you with a systematic framework for understanding marketing management and strategy.

ACC503 – Managerial Accounting (3 credits)

This course offers a balanced coverage of concepts, methods, and uses of managerial accounting with a strong emphasis on management issues. The principal course objective is to help the MBA student focus on concepts and managerial uses of accounting information, rather than the techniques of cost accounting. (Accounting graduates or CPAs may substitute an elective for this course.)

MKT507 – Public Relations (3 credits)

This course presents information about public relations practice, a brief summary of its development, and addresses trends that might predict the future.

This course highlights the legal and regulatory environment in which people and companies conduct business activities. It emphasizes public rather than private law.

MGT501 – Managerial Perspectives (3 credits)

This course focuses on managerial careers, development of critical executive and managerial abilities, and the dynamics of organizational environment and systems as they impact managerial progression and work.

FIN505 – Money & Capital Markets (3 credits)

The principal objective of this course is to give students a clearer picture of how the money and capital markets, which now completely circle the globe, function to provide the many services and fulfill the many roles they are expected to perform in today’s world.

BUS510 – Business Research (3 credits)

A fundamental key to successful management is information. Knowing what information is needed, when it is needed, how to collect it, and how to interpret it can be the critical process to success. More than basic decision-making research, managers should be able to demonstrate the capacity to add unique knowledge to the national body of knowledge of business. This course will focus on practical theory and processes that managers can use to assist in the decision-making matrix. It will also provide the foundation for developing the practical projects of each course and the program. The process will include analyzing the information, evaluating the results, and developing a strategy that leadership can implement.

BUS570 – Strategic Planning for Competitive Advantage (3 credits)

This course focuses on the topic of Strategic Planning and how effective strategic planning is one of the most important steps a company can take in order to build a competitive advantage in the modern marketplace. The course presents a strategic model that represents a comprehensive and effective approach to understanding and executing the strategic planning process in any size organization. The course describes the concepts of competition and competitive advantage, explains the ins and outs of writing a strategic plan and the importance of executing the plan, and provides simulation cases for discussion.

Business Plan OR Capstone Project (Choose One)

BUS594 – Business Plan (3 credits)

In this course, students develop and present a comprehensive business plan for a real or fictitious business that includes the traditional major topics including the executive summary, market and industry analysis, financing, marketing, management, and staffing.

BUS595 – Capstone (3 credits)

The capstone course allows students to apply the knowledge gained throughout the program to a work-related project. Students work with a faculty member to select an appropriate project and outline the course scope and deliverables. It is expected that the completed project will deliver some business process improved or other benefit or other benefit to the student’s work environment, if possible.

+ MBA in Health Care Administration Courses

BUS515 – Human Resource Management Framework (3 credits)

This course is a concise yet thorough review of essential HR management concepts and strategies focusing on providing students and practicing managers with essential HR management concepts including fundamental practices, methods, topics, and relevant legal findings. The core design is to make the information relevant to managers both within the field of Human Resources and also managers from other fields that need to be familiar with the human resources framework. Each part of the course focuses on how managers strategically use HR practices and technology in today’s business environment, striking a balance between theory and real-world application.

MKT501 – Marketing Management (3 credits)

This course focuses on formulating and implementing marketing management strategies and policies. The marketing management process is important at all levels of the organizations, regardless of the title applied to the activity. Typically, it is called corporate marketing, strategic marketing, or marketing management. For our purposes, they all involve essentially the same process, even though the actors and activities may differ. The course will provide you with a systematic framework for understanding marketing management and strategy.

ACC503 – Managerial Accounting (3 credits)

This course offers a balanced coverage of concepts, methods, and uses of managerial accounting with a strong emphasis on management issues. The principal course objective is to help the MBA student focus on concepts and managerial uses of accounting information, rather than the techniques of cost accounting. (Accounting graduates or CPAs may substitute an elective for this course.)

MKT507 – Public Relations (3 credits)

This course presents information about public relations practice, a brief summary of its development, and addresses trends that might predict the future.

This course presents an overview of the legal issues facing the health care industry. It is a comprehensive and inclusive review of a wide variety of health care legal issues providing students with a realistic knowledge of health law and its application to the real world.

MGT514 – Management Principles for Health Care Professionals (3 credits)

This course is an introduction to the management concepts essential to the understanding of the organizational environment within which the functions of the manager are performed. It includes challenges to assumptions about such concepts as power, authority, influence, and leadership. The course is presented in sufficient detail to enable the practitioner to apply the concepts in day-to-day situations.

BUS513 – Economics of Health & Medical Care (3 credits)

This course provides the student with the elements necessary to apply basic economic principles to the health care field. Emphasis is placed on economic tools of particular relevance to health care, pertinent and systematic insights into the workings of the health care system, and the evaluation of health care policies.

FIN503 – Health Care Finance (3 credits)

This course addresses financial information and the decision- making process, financial environment of health care organizations, strategic financial planning, cost concepts and decision-making, and working capital and cash management.

BUS570 – Strategic Planning for Competitive Advantage (3 credits)

This course focuses on the topic of Strategic Planning and how effective strategic planning is one of the most important steps a company can take in order to build a competitive advantage in the modern marketplace. The course presents a strategic model that represents a comprehensive and effective approach to understanding and executing the strategic planning process in any size organization. The course describes the concepts of competition and competitive advantage, explains the ins and outs of writing a strategic plan and the importance of executing the plan, and provides simulation cases for discussion.

Business Plan OR Capstone Project (Choose One)

BUS594 – Business Plan (3 credits)

In this course, students develop and present a comprehensive business plan for a real or fictitious business that includes the traditional major topics including the executive summary, market and industry analysis, financing, marketing, management, and staffing.

BUS595 – Capstone (3 credits)

The capstone course allows students to apply the knowledge gained throughout the program to a work-related project. Students work with a faculty member to select an appropriate project and outline the course scope and deliverables. It is expected that the completed project will deliver some business process improved or other benefit or other benefit to the student’s work environment, if possible.

Program Outcomes

Master of Business Administration (General)

Upon successful completion of the program, graduates will be able to: 

PLO1 – Apply legal, regulatory, theoretical, ethical, and practical knowledge to operating businesses of varying sizes and structures.

PLO2 – Apply legal, theoretical, ethical, and practical knowledge to consulting or operating with healthcare organizations.

PLO3 – Evaluate common business and related legal issues and make appropriate decisions and recommendations based on sound research, reasoning, and analysis.

PLO4 – Implement procedures focused on various professional practice scenarios based on sound reasoning, analysis, and evaluation of common issues.

PLO5 - Make socially responsible and environmentally sustainable choices when designing and implementing business strategies.

PLO6 – Author a properly formatted and presented business plan or capstone project.

Master of Business Administration (Healthcare)

Upon successful completion of the program, graduates will be able to:

PLO1 – Apply legal, regulatory, theoretical, ethical, and practical knowledge to operating businesses of varying sizes and structures.

PLO2 – Apply knowledge of the legal, theoretical, ethical, and practical aspects of operating with or consulting to healthcare organizations.

PLO3 – Evaluate common business and related legal issues and make appropriate decisions and recommendations based on sound research, reasoning, and analysis.

PLO4 – Evaluate common issues and implement procedures focused on professional practice scenarios based on sound reasoning and analysis.

PLO5 - Make socially responsible and environmentally sustainable choices when designing and implementing business strategies.

PLO6 – Author a properly formatted and presented business plan or capstone project.

Admissions Process

  • Apply Online

    Complete our online Application Form and attach any prepared documents. Additional documents may be emailed directly to or your Admissions Representative after your application form is submitted.

    Required Documentation:

    • Bachelor’s Transcript

    • Resume

    • Copy of ID

  • Get Transfer & Portfolio Credits Approved

    Students enrolling in our MBA program are able to transfer in up to 15 credits from previously-taken coursework or experiential learning. To bring in transfer or portfolio credits, incoming students must pay our Transfer Credit Evaluation Fee or Portfolio Credit Evaluation Fee.

    Please email your admissions representative or with any questions.

  • Choose Your Start Date

    Independent Study students are able to begin their program on any of six start dates throughout the year. Directed Study students may begin on any of three start dates per year.

    Complete information about our start dates, holidays, and other important dates can be found on our Academic Calendar.

    Once you’re accepted into the program, your admissions representative will confirm your start date with you.

  • Complete Your Enrollment Materials

    Once your start date is confirmed, you’ll be provided with enrollment materials to fill out and sign.

    For students using our cash pay option, this includes the first tuition payment.