Academic Catalog
Student Code of Conduct
The University is an institution of higher online education. As a community of scholars dedicated to the transmission of knowledge, pursuit of truth and development of moral and cultural values, the University strives to provide an environment in which the rights of inquiry, expression and communication coexist with the responsibilities each member has to the community. Respect for the rights and privileges of others, the development of high standards of personal integrity, self-discipline and control, and the exercise of wise ethical decisions are goals espoused for each person. Students enrolling in the University assume an obligation to conduct themselves in a manner compatible with the rights and responsibilities below.
A student is defined as a person enrolled at the University and is considered to be a student until such time as he/she graduates, withdrawals, or is dismissed. Students between academic years are not considered enrolled.
Student Rights
As a participant in the processes of the University, each member of this academic community has the right to develop the capacity for critical judgment and to engage in the sustained and independent search for knowledge and truth. Students are entitled to appropriate due process protections as a part of the Student Code of Conduct. Students have the right to be treated fairly and with dignity regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, or political affiliation.
The University is committed to fostering ethical and moral values. Among the core values of the University is the inherent dignity of every individual as well as the right of each student to hold and to express his or her viewpoint. When these views conflict, it is the obligation of members of the community to respect other perspectives. In keeping with these values, and the recognition of the cultural diversity of the University community, the University will not tolerate discriminatory or hate motivated conduct, behavior, or harassment based on race, ethnicity, gender, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, or political affiliation with the intention to intimidate or injure an individual(s) physically, mentally, or emotionally.
Student Code Violations
For the welfare of the entire community, all individuals in the community shall obey the enforcement of orders or directions given by all University officials in the performance of his/her duties or the operation of his/her office. Members of the University community who interfere with the rights of others by failing to fulfill their responsibilities will be subject to disciplinary actions. Students are all expected to observe standards of conduct consistent with the pursuit of knowledge and truth.
The following list of unacceptable behaviors is intended to be illustrative in nature rather than all inclusive.
Dishonesty or knowingly furnishing false or incomplete information to the University with the intent to deceive.
Making, possessing, or using any falsified University document or record; altering any University document.
Knowingly making false accusations against a member of the University community.
Illegal possession, consumption, distribution or furnishing of alcohol or other drugs on University property.
Disorderly conduct including Obstruction or interfering with the reprimand, discipline, or apprehension of another person involved in the commission of an offense under the conduct code or any other University policy or regulation.
Lewd or offensive an improper behavior.
Possessing, using, or storing firearms, explosives, or weapons on University controlled property.
Disregard for the safety of others.
Behavior or language that threatens or endangers the health, safety, or well-being of any person or group.
Violation of a contractual obligation or publicized administrative policies.
Sexual Misconduct including any unauthorized form of any sexual contact with another person without the consent of that person.
Sexually harassing another person.
Acts of retaliation - Words, action, or written communication that implies or states another individual of the University community will be harmed or harassed for serving as a witness or victim or testifying in a conduct violation case.
The following shall be regarded as acts of non-compliance:
Failure to comply with the direction of an individual identified as an authorized University official or other official acting in the performance of his/her duties.
Complicity-Presence during any violation of University policies in such a way as to condone, support, or encourage that violation. Students who anticipate or observe a violation of University policy are expected to remove themselves from participation and are encourage the violation.
Hate-Free Policy
Members of the University affected by hate-motivated offenses are strongly encouraged to report these incidents. Such incidents can be reported to a variety of offices including the Dean or President. Reporting discriminatory or hate-motivated incidents does not in itself constitute a formal complaint nor compel one to file a formal complaint of misconduct. However, it does allow those affected by such violations to have a support system and an avenue for recourse. Students proven responsible for hate-motivated violations are subject to a range of disciplinary actions up to an including disciplinary expulsion from The University. The Dean may impose harsher sanctions when behavior is proven to be motivated by hate. As in all cases of misconduct, including hate-motivated offenses, both the accused student and the complainant have rights that are granted through the University conduct process.
Appealing to the President
The University allows the student a right to appeal to the Chief Academic Officer when claims have been filed against the student. The Appeal to the Chief Academic Officer must detail a specific response to the claim. The Chief Academic Officer may consult with the Dean and Faculty in assessing the situation and a response to the appeal will be made within five (5) business days.
If the student disagrees with the decision of the Chief Academic Office, a final appeal may be made to the President. The written request for Presidential appeal must be made within seven (7) business days of the issuance of the decision letter from the Chief Academic Officer. An appeal is not a review of a case, but instead is an independent review of the process utilized to reach the original finding or decision. Students may appeal the decision to the President on one or more of the following grounds:
There is new evidence, which was not known at the time of the administrative meeting which is likely to change the result;
There was a violation of due process or;
The ramifications imposed are too harsh given the finding of fact.
If the President decides to appeal the Chief Academic Officer’s decision or impose a lesser penalty, the President may do so. The President’s decision will be final.